The priority programme VGIscience of the German Research Foundation will host a summer school dedicated to Interpretation, Visualisation and Social Computing of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI). The summer school will be held from 11.-15. September 2017 at TU Dresden, Germany.

The aim of the summer school is to give PhD students who are at an early stage of their academic career insights in to current research topics related to geographic information retrieval, geovisual analytics and social science and the application of such methods to VGI. Within this context a selection of methods will be presented more in detail, including graphical probabilistic models, deep learning, space and time extraction, interaction and coordinated views as well as quantitative and qualitative methods in social science. The summer school will include keynotes and lectures, demonstrations and guided practical exercises as well as project related independent group work. The working language of the summer school will be English.

How to apply / participation costs:

PhD (or Postdoc) students who would like to apply should describe their research objectives, and their relationship to the themes of the summer school in a short abstract of 300-500 words, and briefly explain the current state of their PhD. The registration fee for the Summer School is EUR 250. The fee covers any training materials, coffee breaks, lunch, icebreaker and farewell dinner. Accommodation and travel costs are not included in this registration fee. Applications for participation should be sent to Ms. Sharma ( by 1st August 2017.


Within the priority program, funds were granted for gender equality promotion and will be used for the VGI Science Summer School. Participation fees of female PhD students or postdocs will be covered irrespective of whether applicants are members of the priority program, subject only to the relevance of the submitted abstract.

Scientific Committee:

Ackermann, Hanno; Andrienko, Gennady; Andrienko, Natalia; Burghardt, Dirk; Denzler, Joachim; Dickmann, Frank; Diehl, Alexandra; Dijk, Thomas van; Dransch, Doris; Dunkel, Alexander; Ertl, Thomas; Fan, Hongchao; Fiedrich, Frank; Freksa, Christian; Funke, Stefan; Hotho, Andreas; Keim, Daniel; Koch, Steffen; Kuchinke, Lars; Mocnik, Franz-Benjamin; Purves, Ross; Rahul, Deb Das; Rosenhan, Bodo; Rother, Carsten; Storandt, Sabine; Stumme, Gerd; Thom, Dennis; Unger, Andrea; Wolff, Alexander; Wolter, Diedrich; Wrobel, Stefan; Yang, Bin; Yang, Michael; Zipf, Alexander

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